4 Tips for Making Your Perfect Facebook Video Ad

  • Marketing
  • Social Media

Written by: Action Digital

Companies with small budgets often ask how they can compete with huge global corporations when it comes to creating interesting video content for social media. Not everyone has the same mega budgets, equipment or personnel to create such quality content as the big players. And even having all of the above doesn’t necessarily mean that your advert will be a hit, as exemplified by the latest Pepsi ad! Nevertheless, pretty much anyone can make good quality video content, without having to break the bank. The equipment you need is literally in your hand: the all-empowering mobile phone! Easy to use, quick, simple and with a large amount of video apps to choose from, there are no limits to making a great ad for your business. Here are some handy tips by Action Digital.


Tip 1 – Buy a Mobile Tripod Mobile tripods are cheap little devices which can make all the difference when you want your video to look much more professional. Moreover, it immediately removes the need for someone and their trembling hands holding the mobile phone for you! Additionally, if you’re a business that would like to create ‘how to’ videos about stunning food, or hand crafted art, for example, then one of these babies will make your content that much easier for you to create and for the viewer to watch.


Tip 2 – Natural Light The ability to seclude yourselves in a controlled studio environment with professional video lighting that can resemble any time of day is great. But if you don’t have all that, natural light is just as good! Simply find a location, indoor or outdoor, where you can enjoy natural light in abundance. But do beware, if you’re planning to shoot with direct sunlight, you must experiment with its position and the shades it creates before you begin.


Tip 3 – Choose Your Background Carefully Say, for example, you are local bakery and you’d like to create a small ad about your daily freshly baked bread. You opt for your factory as the prime location and start recording the whole baking process from different angles. At this point, always make 100% sure that your background does not have any unwanted items or people popping into the picture. We’ve all seen a beautiful shot ruined by random things that were not supposed to be there!


Tip 4 – Edit Your Videos with Software Apps There are thousands of video editing apps available, whether you use an android or iPhone, which you can either pay for or get for free. Some of these apps give you the creative ability to add effects, sounds and filters to make your ad look sexy and alive.   It may be intimidating to think that you can compete with multi-billion euro businesses, but all you have to do is get past your first upload. After seeing the results your first few video ads get, you won’t want to stop! Time to get excited and have fun making your OWN video ad!

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